In addition to writing marketing copy myself, I take great pleasure in helping businessmen and women improve their own writing skills. It is both freeing and empowering to know you can write great marketing copy, any time you need it!
So whether you’re an entrepreneur, a small business owner, or a member of a growing company, take a look at the Empowerment Opportunities below and give me a call at 610-287-3977. It’s time to take your writing to the next level!
This is your perfect opportunity to zero in on a single type of business writing and hone your skills! Send me up to 2000 words of content – that may be 5 or 6 pages of web copy, a white paper, 2 or 3 case studies or articles, or a brochure and sales collateral. I will review your content and provide you with a written evaluation of the material plus detailed recommendations for how you can improve the copy. We’ll then have a coaching call of up to 1 hour where we will discuss the evaluation and how you can implement the recommendations – on this piece and on future materials you write – to make your marketing copy stand out and bring in business!
Investment in Your Business: $250.00
It’s time for some serious business development! Send your marketing copy over to me: your website, brochures, white papers, case studies, articles, etc. I’ll review up to 8000 words (that’s a whole lot of marketing content!) and provide you with a written evaluation of the material plus detailed recommendations for how you can improve the copy. We’ll follow up with a coaching call of up to 1 hour where we’ll review the evaluation and recommendations on a piece-by-piece basis and from a broader business perspective to give you a marketing edge moving forward.
Investment in Your Business: $700.00
Identifying and verbalizing your key copy messages is critical to every piece of marketing copy you develop. Your website, articles, white papers, case studies, blogs … everything hinges on leveraging the core benefits of your business in clear, concise, and compelling language. I will work with you intensively to identify your primary differentiators, unique selling proposition, core messages, supporting benefits, and more. I will then provide you with a key message document you can use to impart structure and impact to your marketing copy.
Investment in Your Business: $2000.00
Do you have a book in mind, but you don’t know where to begin? I’ll give you a healthy jumpstart! We’ll have four 45-minute coaching sessions with assignments in between, guiding you through goal setting, understanding your target audience, outline development, and getting down to writing. I’ll provide you with written evaluations and recommendations along the way, including a review of your introduction and first chapter, up to 4000 words. With a positive jumpstart, you’ll be well-positioned to complete your book and start leveraging your knowledge to build your business!
Investment in Your Business: $800.00
Have you started a business book to use as a marketing tool for your company and services, but you have some questions about focus, structure, content, approach, etc.? Send me your outline, any questions you have, and up to 5000 words of your manuscript. I will review the material and provide you with a written evaluation and recommendations. We’ll then have a coaching call of up to 1 hour to discuss your questions and keep you on the fast track to getting your book in print and online!
Investment in Your Business: $500.00
Many business folk know they’ve got a great book inside them, and they’re not even concerned about actually writing it. But organizing what they want to say … that’s a challenge, because they’re “too close” to the information. If a blueprint for your book would free you to get down to the business of writing, give me a call! We’ll spend up to 1 hour defining your goals and objectives, your approach, and your target market, etc. I will streamline this information into a Book Discovery document that will be your overarching guideline. Then, we’ll take up to 2 hours to discuss your proposed content. Following our call, I will use the data to develop a detailed outline: a blueprint for your book. This will keep you on track, and will break down your book project into “bite-sized” portions. We’ll have a final coaching call of up to 1 hour to review the outline and discuss how to productively move forward with your writing. With a good blueprint, you know the end product is going to be just what you intended!
Investment in Your Business: $1200.00